Monday, September 9, 2013

It is an Ubuntu-based Linux distribution penetration test and security assessment oriented providing a network and informatic systems analysis toolkit. BackBox desktop environment includes a minimal yet complete set of tools required for ethical hacking and security testing.

BackBox Linux project was born in south Italy in 2010. The project began on initiative of a single individual, but later, within a few months, became well populated community and expanding everyday.

BackBox Linux categories listed as follow:

- Information Gathering
- Vulnerability Assessment
- Exploitation
- Privilege Escalation
- Maintaining Access
- Documentation & Reporting
- Reverse Engineering
- Social Engineering
- Forensic Analysis
- VoIP Analysis
- Wireless Analysis
- Miscellaneous

More than 70 tools are included in BackBox:

- Metasploit/Armitage
- Nmap
- BeEF
- OpenVAS
- W3af
- The Social Engineering Toolkit
- Ettercap
- Scapy
- Wireshark
- Kismet
- Aircrack
- Ophcrack
- Sqlmap
- Crunch
- Reaver
- John The Ripper

This is the official website of Backbox:


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